Monday, August 3, 2009
Sol Vista Nationals, July 16-19, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Pacifica - June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Team Ride - Thursday June 11
Cross Training at Napa BMX - Wed June 10
Sick Pic of Keith from SC
CCCX #6 - June 7, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Angelfire Chili Challenge - May 22-25, 2009
Keith’s been on a roll this year with a streak of podiums and top 10 finishes on the Gravity tour. Last weekend he took a little 20 hour drive to Angelfire New Mexico:
I chatted with Keith on Sunday after his race run:
Keith: "Practice went amazing all 5 days, but my race run didn't come together the way I hoped it would. Actually, I think it was one of my worst race runs on record. I was trying to go a bit too fast and blew some of my lines. I've been training regularly and have felt like I'm in great shape. Not this weekend. I felt like I hadn't trained a day in my life. I'm sure it had a lot to do with the fact that we were up above 12,000 feet. In spite of all that, I finished a pretty solid 8th place. Its never a great feeling knowing that you could have done much better, but I'll take 8th and chalk it up to experience."
Keith going big in New Mexico
A tech section on the course at the Chili Challenge.
Next weekend we'll be doing another CCCX practice race. The next big one is Nationals at Sol Vista in July. Keith, Myself (Dustin), Khaner and Allen will all be attending. It should be a blast. Khaner and I haven't ridden in CO in 4 years. I don't think Keith and Allen ever have.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
DMC Moto Timer...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
FACTION Team adds Three...

CCCX #5 - May 17,2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Local Boy Does Backflips
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Barred for Life video Premiere...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
FluidRide ProGRT May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Ales and Trails 2009
FluidRide ProGRT Qualifying, Sat May 2...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sea Otter Classic - April 16-19, 2009
The Big News is that Keith won Junior Expert 18 and under with a time of 2:19:96!!! That's right, 1st Place out of over 50 riders. This is huge and something to be incredibly proud of. Great Job Keith!!!

"To prepare for the Sea Otter Classic, I cut out all junk food, soda's and all energy drinks. I bought an indoor trainer, hooked it up to my dads Enduro, and I have that set up in my room. I do intervals and go through all the gears until I can’t possibly pedal anymore. I seriously burn my legs until I can’t feel them. Each interval is about 3 min, then I take about a minute, cool down, and I do it all over again. I do that to get used to that burning feeling you get when you pedal you’re a** off. What I have learned is that its all mental: as long as I don’t think about the burning, I feel like I can pedal for hours.
On that Wednesday, before the first day of practice, Tony and I simply walked the course, checked out what was new, and figured out what to do different from last year; where to sneak a few more pedals, and what are the straightest lines through certain sections.
Thursday, I did 5 complete runs. No sessioning. That helped me pedal through the whole course without thinking of stopping like last year when I sessioned the whole track. That helped a lot. I didn’t work on speed, but I worked on my lines, and getting them burned into my brain, how to take certain corners, and where to and how to jump things.
Friday, I started to add more speed to my runs, and started to shoot lower on the jumps. I worked on not breaking in the corners, but braking before the corners for max exit speed,
Saturday, I also worked on exit speed, and pumping everything I possibly could to maximize my speed with less effort,
Sunday, race day, I felt really good. I had my lines dialed, and I knew exactly where to pump, where to pedal, and where to brake. I did one practice run, just to see how the track changed.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fontana City National - 03/23/2009
The MOB in Mojave - 02/14/2009