Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ales and Trails 2009

Khaner and I went to Ales and Trails in China Camp today to represent SF Urban Riders at the event. At 6:45 am we met Mitch and Tom at Dan's house to load up all the bits of the Triple Feature under an overcast sky. Rain was in the forecast, but as we loaded up, the rain held off and there were hopes that it could still be a beautiful day.

The road into Miwok meadow was already muddy when we arrived, but the parking lot where the skills area would be was moderately dry. We unloaded and started the setup as it started to spit. The ladders went together easily and quickly, and were wet and slick almost immediately. This didn't stop us from having a little fun. Especially Khaner.

The REI skills section proved to be a great place for a warm up. The tight turns were loose and slick, but fun to drift. I timed Khaner, Tom and Mitch through the course and the faster times were between 14.5 secs and 18 secs. We should really develope one of these for SFUR events and set up Freelap timers. It would be ideal to have a competition between riders for swag, prizes and most of all, bragging rights!!!

Througout the day, it continued to rain off and on. Luckily Mitch brought the easy up so we had a place to stay dry.

I borrowed a demo bike from Marin, and Tom and I went on an hour or so long XC ride. The trails were fun and fast in sections with lots of climbing and lots of mud. Not the kind that bogs you down, but the really wet splattery kind that coats your componentry, your clothes and... well... pretty much everything. Neither of us knew our way around very well, so we could have taking the route with the most climbing. Regardless, it was a fun spin and good for a sweat.

Upon returning to the meadow, lunch was on. Whole pig was on the menu, but not on my plate. I opted for some chicken, salad and rice. The Ale began to flow as well...

All in all, A&T was great time. The only thing bad about it, was imagining how fun it would have been without the rain. And how many peeps would have shown up for the festivities. Hopefully IMBA still lined their pockets with trailbuilding cash and everyone had a jolly time.

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